
Convert Capacity into part load - Evaporator temperature rest

Technical information Refrigeration Part Load Capacity

Part Of The Capacity

To a certain extent, the refrigerating capacity of the system "sails" with the load. In other words, the system, by its nature, automatically regulates power up when the load increases, and down as the load decreases. P-H chart, shown here, helps us understand why this is happening. We consider the reduction of load situations demonstrate this fact.

First, suppose that the system works at the maximum load. As the load decreases, less heat can be absorbed by the evaporator. After the evaporator can only absorb free heat, the heat is absorbed by the refrigerant is reduced. Amount of liquid refrigerant boiling in pairs within the evaporator, thus decreases. Compressor, however, continues to pump vapour refrigerant from the evaporator at the same pace as before. As a result the pressure in the evaporator is pulled down to a lower level than that at which the system worked full load. As the pressure on the refrigerant in the evaporator drops and saturation temperature.

In short, saturated evaporator temperature decreases with decreasing load.

The reduction in pressure and temperature of the evaporator comes to rest at the point where the volume (cubic feet) of refrigerant evaporates again corresponds to the compressor displacement (cubic feet per minute). You might be wondering how this could happen because we know that the amount of refrigerant (pounds) less evaporation at partial load than at full load. The answer is that each pound of refrigerant vapors boiled in the evaporator takes more space (volume) per pound, and the pressure and temperature of saturation is below. For example, is the P-H chart shows that 40F each pound of refrigerant takes about 0.7 cubic feet. It takes a little more than 0.8 cubic feet, however, on the part of the load of 30F. It is about 14% increase in volume per pound refrigerant.

At lower pressure and temperature of saturation, compressor, pump can one and the same volume of gas per minute, but it will pump less pounds. Therefore, as evaporator, compressor and deliver less cooling capacity. Capacity for cooling is primarily based on kg refrigerant circulates in the unit of time, and not volume.

As a result of reducing the load on the evaporator and the compressor, is also felt in the condenser. As the pressure and the saturation temperature at the compressor suction fall, it tends to reduce the discharge pressure. Below discharge pressure produces lower pressure and the saturation temperature at the condenser. Discharge pressure and suction pressure or high side and low side, as they are often called, as a rule, move up and down together.

In the condenser temperature of saturation will now be lower, reducing the difference between the warm temperature of the refrigerant within the tube and the cool temperature of the air or water flowing through the tube. Smaller temperature difference means less heat loss. As a result of a capacitor is also reduced.

The reduction of the load on the evaporator initiates a change that reduces the compressor inlet pressure and the saturation temperature. This action reduces the pressure of the compressor discharge and temperature, which reduces the condenser pressure, the saturation temperature and potential..

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