
Cylinder unloading - What is unloading cylinder?

Technical information Industrial Cylinder Unloading

Cylinder Unloading

Cylinder unloading allows reducing the capacity of back-and-boring. Example of handling cylinders is as follows : If the system has an 8-cylinder cylinder unloaded in pairs, the capacity is reduced by 25% for the unloading of the step. It is important to remember that the compressor cannot be unloaded 0 pump performance. This will mean that the device could not move any of the refrigerant through the system to return the oil in the system. Compressors are usually discharged down from 25% to 50% of their full download pumping capacity. Cylinder unloading reduces power consumption because the power consumption is directly linked with the force of a current draw of the compressor.

Lock suction and lifting the intake valve of the most common methods used for unloading cylinders. Lock suction occurs when the solenoid valve blocks the absorption of passage of the cylinder. Cm. Fig. 24-73. Gas not able to reach the cylinder. If there are four cylinder and one is blocked, the capacity is reduced by 25%. Compressor now pumps at 75% capacity.

Power consumption will also go down by about 25%.

The intake valve lift occurs when the intake valve lifted the seat of the cylinder, while the compressor pumps. Tin causes the cylinder to get out of the pump. Gas attempting to enter the cylinder will be forced to return to the suction side of the system. Lubrication of cylinders allowed to happen, despite the fact that the cylinder is not escalate. Power consumption is reduced.


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