Heat Strips Sequencers
They are shown in Fig. 10-6 and are widely used in electric furnaces at the stage of heat. In most residential units, resistive heat stripsB placed in the evaporator section five kW increments. For example, there may be two 5-heaters, kW giving of the total heat capacity of 10 kW. The correct way to convert units and not cause leakage of energy to start each with a delay. Imagine this operation with three stripes, you can see there is a huge demand for electricity in case if all three of the staff of the energy at the same time. Sequencer, or the delay time, helps to eliminate this condition. They can also be used with the corresponding unit, and under the base for the formulation of the heating system. The strips should not be under tension, thermal if there is no demand. It also ensures energy savings. The larger units which are in commercial and industrial lines, heat strips were much higher kilowatt ratings. Usually in a residential application strips can be purchased in sizes 5, 7.5 and 10 kW. In kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity will give approximately 3,400 Btu (British thermal unit).
You can see that it requires a lot of energy to heat up the same space, which will be cooled, with an electric furnace.
Serial switching works with bimetallic switches. The first radio button to close is driven by a thermostat in the conditioned space. First bimetal switch will flex causing current in the second switch, which will thermal bimetallic and lead to flex causing the third switch to start the heating bimetallic, and so on. When the control voltage is removed, the bimetallic switches begin cooling and fall resistive heater in reverse order.