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Technical information Food refrigeration and freezing Bacteria


Bacteria, germs are very simple form of plant life, consists of a living cell. Reproduction of bacteria is carried out by cell division. Having reached maturity, the bacterium is divided into two identical cells. In turn, each of these cells grows to maturity and is divided into two identical cells. Under ideal conditions, bacteria can grow in time and divide the (play) in 20-30 minutes. At this rate, one bacteria theoretically capable of producing as many as 34 trillion descendants in 24 hours! Fortunately, in the life cycle of the bacteria is relatively short as a few minutes or hours. Therefore, even under ideal conditions, they are not able to reproduce at a level close to that rate.

The rate at which bacteria and other microorganisms grow and multiply depends on the conditions in their environment. Temperature, light, oxygen, moisture and pH (acidity or alkalinity) levels along with the food supply in the environment affect the rate of growth of bacteria. These effects temperatures are of special interest for refrigeration technicians and engineers.

For each kind of bacteria, there is a minimum temperature that allows for growth. At temperatures below this threshold, the bacteria are dormant, unable to reproduce. Similarly, each of the types of bacteria, also has a maximum temperature threshold. At temperatures exceeding this limit, the bacteria will be destroyed. Between these limits is the temperature, which encourages bacteria in their highest rate. Optimum temperature for most of the bacteria that feed on animal wastes and dead tissue in animals and plants (saprophytes), usually between 75 and 85F (24 to 30C). Optimum temperature for most of the bacteria causing the infection and disease in the life of the host (pathogenic bacteria)is about 100F (38C). In General, the rate of propagation of bacteria is significantly reduced with the decrease in ambient temperature. Finally, there are several types of bacteria that grow best at temperatures near the boiling point of water, while others thrive at temperatures around the freezing point of water.

Yeast Yeast are simple plant cell, similar to bacteria, but belonging to the mushroom family, and not a plant or animal families. Their cells become bigger and more complex than bacteria cells. Yeast reproduce by budding. Kidneys started out as a small protrusion on the surface of Mature yeast cells. As t increases, it separates from the parent cell. Under ideal conditions, a beginner so fast that new buds are formed on maternal anaother Bud cells before the separation. This behavior cultivates yeast clusters. For example, bacteria, yeast agents fermentation and decomposition and decay. They secrete enzymes that cause chemical changes in the food on which they grow. Yeast are noted for their ability to transform sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Although diis action is destructive for fresh foods, particularly fruits and juices, alcoholic fermentation produced by the yeast is important for baking, brewing and winemaking industry.

For example, bacteria, yeast is also sensitive to the ambient temperature. For the most part, they prefer moderate temperatures from 55 to 85 F (13 and 30C). Their reproduction rate decreases in response to the reduction in temperature. In General, the yeast is not as resistant to adverse conditions, such as bacteria, although they can grow in acidic environment, which suppresses the majority of bacteria.

Form molds simple plants, fungi family. However, they are much more complex structure than bacteria or yeast. While some bacteria or yeast plant consists of a single cell, mold plants are composed of cells that form in the thread-like fibers called GIFA. Forms reproduce spore formation. The dispute is a microorganism that is protected by a heavy coating. He is in a dormant state in expectation of favourable conditions to occur on Wednesday before the beginning of the life process. Mold spores develop three different ways, depending on the type of the form:

  • as round clusters widiin filamentous hyphae network
  • as the mass enclosed in a bag and attached to the end of hyphae air
  • as chainlike clusters at the end of the air hyphae
In any case, one mold plant is capable of producing thousands of disputes that break free from the mother plant and float away at the slightest movement of air. Mold spores are actually seeds, which, under appropriate conditions, will germinate and produce mold growth on any food substance, with whom they come into contact. Because they are made of air streams, mold spores are found practically everywhere, and especially rich die in the air.

Form thrive in dark, damp surroundings having adequate supplies of oxygen and moisture in the air. They grow particularly well in those places where the air was calm. Conditions inside the cold storage rooms often suited to mold growth, especially in winter. This problem can

you must overcome several maintaining good air circulation in the room for storage, use antibacterial paint on the surfaces of equipment, the use of UV radiation from special lamps and frequent cleaning. Unlike bacteria, fungi can thrive on foods containing a relatively large amount of sugars and acids. Therefore, they are often found growing on acidic fruits and surface etching vats. Forms are the most common cause of marriage, apples and citrus.

Although the press-forms, less resistant to high temperatures than bacteria they were more resistant to low temperatures. They are free to grow at temperatures close to freezing point of water, but it is constrained by temperatures below 32F (0C). This comes from the lack of moisture in the air than from exposure to low temperature. All forms of growth ceases at temperatures below 10 F (12C)...

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