
Scroll compressor pack

Technical information Compressors Scroll Compressors

Spiral Compressors

The scroll compressor is widely used in residential Air conditioning and heat pump applications. Advantages scroll include fewer moving parts, less internal friction, smooth the cycle of compression, low-torque, low noise and low vibration levels. A scroll compressor generates a series of Crescent-shaped gas pockets between the two scrolls, the figure 4-59. One scrollfixed scrollremains stationary. Scrollorbiting scrollturns using swing link.

As a movement, pockets between the two forms slowly pushed to the center of the two scrolls. This reduces the amount of gas. When in your pocket reaches the center of the scroll gas under high pressure. She was discharged from the centre of port. During this compression process several pockets are formed simultaneously. The processes of absorption of the external part of the scroll key and the selection of the internal parts are continuous. This continuous process gives the compressor very smoothly.

Scroll compressor design is shown in Fig.

4-60. Scroll compressor used on internal number air conditioners this is shown in Fig. 4-61. Scroll compressor is designed for the commercial objects is shown in Fig. 4-62. He has a low noise level. Note compressor comes with the package valves on the inlet and outlet of the parties. Scroll compressor has fewer moving parts and less torque variation than reciprocating compressors. This leads to a very smooth and quiet operation.


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