Compression System Using The High Side Float Refrigerant Control
On the high side of the float system is flooded system. Evaporator always filled with liquid refrigerant. Fig. 3-6 shows a schematic diagram of the high side of the float refrigerant management system. As the compressor is running refrigerant from the condenser into the high side of the float mechanism. When a sufficient amount of liquid refrigerant entered the high side of the float mechanism, it raises the float. Refrigerant begins to flow through the control of the evaporator. Evaporator under low pressure. Thus, the pipeline connecting the high side of the float and evaporator must be isolated. The capillary tubes of the refrigerant lines are often used.
If a different size of the string is used, it should have weight valve evaporator. This prevents evaporation of the coolant in the connection line. Fig. 3-6 shows the weight of the valve connector. Refrigerant to the evaporator under low pressure (dark blue). This will quickly evaporate (boil) and absorb heat from the evaporator.
Pair (light blue), then flows through the suction line of the compressor.
There it is compressed (squeezed) high pressure side (red light). In the condenser, the heat absorbed by the evaporator is removed. Refrigerant is returned to the liquid state (dark red). She falls into the high side mechanism under which the cycle is repeated.
Or the temperature or the pressure of motor control, can be used in the refrigeration cycle. Fig. 3-6 shows the temperature of the engine control located in the refrigerated space. This system is the most used in commercial applications where high performance is desired. It is easy to maintain. However, the amount of refrigerant charged into the system must be very accurately measured...