Comfort Cooling Systems
Many large comfort of use of refrigeration installations of centrifugal compressors. Large centrifugal units are frequently designed with the capacity from 100 up to 2000 tons. Cm. Fig. 24-77. These systems use low pressure refrigerants, and the evaporator operates on the level below atmospheric pressure. As the condenser and evaporator shell-and-tube type. A two-stage centrifugal compressor block, managed hermetic motor. Capacity is controlled inlet vanes to a two-stage centrifugal compressor. The blades are closed to reduce the initial download. Fig. 24-78 shows compressor design. This compressor has a forced lubrication system. Private motor oil pump drive. Compressor motor three-phase unit 208, 240, 440, 480 550 V, 2300 V, or 4160 V. note bolted construction for service purposes.
These systems have automatic cleaning device for removal noncondensabie gases. Design and construction details of the condenser and evaporator, are shown in Fig. 24-79. Due to their ability, these units should have thorough, accurate control.
Those responsible for the operation of these facilities should receive thorough training in their correct use.
Fig. 24-80 shows the complete wiring and piping systems one of these units. The evaporator to the compressor suction line, and a refrigerated liquid line is always insulation.