R-123 is HCFCs, which has a boiling point of 27.1 C (23.8 C to R-11), latent heat of 175 kJ/kg for 15 C (194 kJ/kg for R-11), and the molecular weight 153. It is ideal for use in chiller system with centrifugal compressors, air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump systems. R-123 environmental suitability as a replacement for R-11 is not in doubt. He ODP and GWP less than 0.02, compared with 1.0 R-11, and poses no Flammability problem. His toxicology, R-123 was appointed permissible exposure limit 100ppm (Anon., 1991). This means that a worker must not constantly exposed to more than 100 ppm R-123 in any business day within 8-12 hours. On the issue of security, the requirements for the treatment of both R-123 and R-11 refrigerants in charge and maintenance of the equipment are the same. It was suggested that the paraffin oils, which are used with the R-11 can also be used for R-123.
Despite concerns that R-123 is not safe for use in centrifugal chillers and causes cancer in rats, EPA lists it as acceptable.
Although all refrigerants pose a certain amount of toxicity, R-123 actually less of a risk for acute than of R-11. In other words, in case of a major leak, safer with R-123 than that of R-11. As for chronic toxicity, it is true that the R-123 cause tumors in several organs of rats, including the testicles. However, it is important to know that in all cases, (I), the tumor was benign, (ii) they appeared only after long-term exposure to very high concentrations (iii) of the tumor is not life-threatening, and (iv) the exposed rats, actually lived longer on these higher concentrations.
Exposure limit set R-123 producers is 30 ppm. This means the concentration to which an employee may be exposed for 8 hours/day during the working life without consequences. EPA conducted a study to determine the typical level of exposure found in the actual equipment rooms. The study concluded that if appropriate measures are taken (e.g. compliance with ASHRAE 15), the concentration of R-123 may be below 1 ppm. EPA believes that the R-123 necessity of transfer of the refrigerant in the world gradually CFCs and SNAP lists it acceptable for use in chillers. It is safe for use in the long term, and is actually safer in emergency situations, than of R-11...